
Excel power tools for data analysis
Excel power tools for data analysis

Setup the lab environment by installing Office applications. Please enroll only if you are able to finish your coursework in time. *Note: *This course will retire at the end of October. To apply for financial assistance, enroll in the course, then follow this link to complete an application for assistance. See how the data can be visualized and shared to the Power BI cloud service, after which it can be used in dashboards, queried using plain English sentences, and even consumed on mobile devices.ĭo you feel that the contents of this course is a bit too advanced for you and you need to fill some gaps in your Excel knowledge? Do you need a better understanding of how pivot tables, pivot charts and slicers work together, and help in creating dashboards? If so, check out DAT205x: Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel.ĮdX offers financial assistance for learners who want to earn Verified Certificates but who may not be able to pay the fee. After preparing the data, find out how business calculations can be expressed using the DAX calculation engine. Learn how to import data from different sources, create mashups between data sources, and prepare data for analysis. In this data science course, you will get an introduction to the latest versions of these new tools in Excel 2016 from an expert on the Excel Product Team at Microsoft.

excel power tools for data analysis

It now includes tools that enable the analysis of more data, with improved visualizations and more sophisticated business logics. Excel is one of the most widely used solutions for analyzing and visualizing data.

Excel power tools for data analysis